So there's been a lot of development in the long road to getting Olive & Sinclair off the ground over the past month. Approvals from government agencies, logo designs, wrapper designs, cocoa bean roasting and lots and lots of testing. Obviously priority one is developing an amazing chocolate to provide you all with - and that certainly takes patience and time.
The one issue that's delayed our production is a lemon of a conche refiner (the one we put cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, sugar and other yummy things into and grind them all down) that we're working on getting straightened out as soon as possible. Fortunately all of our other equipment is rock solid and once our cocoa refiner has been replaced we'll be back in the saddle and sprinting toward our opening date. In the meantime we're still very hard at work in the testing stages and taking great care that we're going to satisfy your hand made chocolate needs and become Nashville's own southern, artisan chocolate makers.
As I mentioned previously we're very proud to have a completed logo and nearly completed packaging thanks to the guys over at the Anderson Design Group - and I got hand it to them - they're top notch and have a heck of an eye for what we've been envisioning over the past months. I think it's certainly safe to reveal our new logo right now as we really can't sit on it any longer. We want to assure you that neither of us can wait to get our chocolate creations out to you and are terribly excited to hear back what you think!